Pandora’s Station: Counter Spy Review

Developed by Dynamighty, CounterSpy is one of those short but entertaining “Don’t talk to me or else I’ll die!” games. It was made free to download on PlayStation Vita for PS Plus members this month, otherwise it is regularly $14.99. The game is set during the Cold War and has neat little historical facts about nuclear and space programs added to the load screens. The player can really see the influence from Creative Director Mark Holmes who use to work at Pixar. The graphics are bold, angular and aggressive, fitting for a spy game. Music is full of that smooth 1950’s swagger that would fit any scene in a James Bond movie. Continue reading

Pandora’s Station: Knytt Underground Review

Knytt Underground was released for multiple platforms (including how I played, on the PSVita) just before 2013. It was created by Nicklas Nygren, or Nifflas, and published by Ripstone Games. The game has a great aesthetic throughout. the foreground is all black, creating parts of the game you can interact with. Most things that are black you can either walk on or climb. The beauty is in the background with scenic images of nature. Trees, flowers and even radiant color-scapes are all easy on the eyes. Continue reading

Pandora’s Station: Rogue Legacy Review

Pandora’s Station is where I, Pandora_Layn, will be reviewing Vita games that are available for free download for PlayStation Plus members. Instead of an arbitrary points system, I will validate the games I review by their value to the space on my memory card with a “Keep!” or “Delete!” the download. Check out my gamer profile for a better idea of the types of games I like to play.

My original intention was to wait a week before putting out a review for this game after it became available as a free download for PlayStation Plus members. Then, I literally could not put the game down so I’ve had way more hours of gameplay than I intended.
So, this is a…


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