
My dwindling interest in The Order is assuaged by the existence of another game that lurched onto my radar, Bloodborne.  This is the spiritual successor to Nightmare Creatures; here, we have close, violent and complex melees with horrifying monsters.  While set in the fictional city of Yharnam, it clearly reflects a dark Victorian look: shadowy, cobblestone streets; oil lamps and torches pooling amber light; tall cathedral spires silhouetted by the full moon.  My preorder is coming off of The Order: 1886 and landing squarely on this game.  The first title from Japanese developer From Software and director Hidetaka Miyazaki (PS3 cult hits Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls) to be released on the PS4 and while this title does appear to share some fundamental philosophies, there are clear deviations from the attritional nature of their previous titles. Continue reading

Pandora’s Station: Kick and Fennick Review

I downloaded Kick and Fennick solely because it was free for PlayStation Plus members to download (February deal). The trailer makes this game look amazing but here’s the plot summary: A boy wakes up in a brightly colored electronic dystopia with well maintained facilities, despite an overflow of plant life, and it takes 45 seemingly similar levels to get his robot friend a battery. That’s it! That’s the game! Continue reading

Pandora’s Station: Rogue Legacy Review

Pandora’s Station is where I, Pandora_Layn, will be reviewing Vita games that are available for free download for PlayStation Plus members. Instead of an arbitrary points system, I will validate the games I review by their value to the space on my memory card with a “Keep!” or “Delete!” the download. Check out my gamer profile for a better idea of the types of games I like to play.

My original intention was to wait a week before putting out a review for this game after it became available as a free download for PlayStation Plus members. Then, I literally could not put the game down so I’ve had way more hours of gameplay than I intended.
So, this is a…


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